Laundromat in Garden Grove, Santa Ana, National City, Sylmar, CA and Las Vegas, NV with Eco-Friendly Ozone Cleaning System
EVERY WASH and EVERY LOAD is sanitized at Boulder Express Laundry Services!
Our Eco-Friendly Sano3Wash Ozone Laundry System is a natural purifier that destroys bacteria, viruses, mold and mildew, while eliminating spores, fungus, oil and other contaminants leaving water and (your clothes) clean and clear! We are one of just a handful of laundromats that have an Ozone laundry system.
YES, its GREEN! Our Ozone eco laundry system reacts so quickly with contaminants, that it converts back to oxygen within minutes, (sometimes even seconds). Any molecules that break free will convert to oxygen and never reach the atmosphere.
Today, more than ever before, an Ozone laundry is essential in fighting off serious viruses and bacteria. Having an Ozone system means that viruses and bacteria will be removed from your clothing and removed from the washing machine. An Ozone wash makes your laundry completely sanitary. An Ozone cleaning system makes your clothes smell fresh and clean! You'll love our Ozone laundromat!